January 3, 2019

A Rehab Success Story

“When I first came here I couldn’t walk or talk or feed myself. I’ve come a long way at Centennial. The therapists really got me into shape!”

Dapper in his electric blue sport shirt and flashing his signature grin, his cheery countenance brings a smile to everyone he passes. That’s Mr. Gail Fink! When he first arrived at Centennial from Kindred Hospital following a stroke, he required a trach and a feeding tube, and was unable to do anything on his own. Thanks to the intensive collaboration of our nursing, respiratory and physical therapy staff who never gave up on him, he has made tremendous strides – coming further than he ever thought he would! The staff’s bedrock faith in his recovery supported him through the grueling process of weaning and decannulation, then relearning how to walk, talk and eat on his own. Today he is trach-free and almost fully independent, and hopes to be discharged soon.

Mr. Fink worked as a secretary for a number of Philadelphia Law Firms until his early retirement. A railroad train aficionado, he had an extensive model train collection. His favorite leisure pastimes are watching the clouds (he can recognize the different formations, just ask him to show you a cumulus or stratus!) and keeping up with the news.

-Mr. Gail Fink – Resident at Centennial

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